From: Praveen Verma
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
The journey of life has many challenges. You must travel on this journey yourself -some unexpected miracle is not going to happen.
Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Suvichar good thoughts of Shri Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj are collected. These good thoughts ;suvichars are extracts of books published based on pravachans by Param Pujya Sudhanshuji Maharaj & from pravachan on TV channels. The thoughts are presented in Hindi and English
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
The journey of life has many challenges. You must travel on this journey yourself -some unexpected miracle is not going to happen.
Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
You have the complete right to do an action. Make your actions as good as possible
Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
Subject: Gift for Prosperous Year 2012 - It is Free
Happy New Year and Here is my gift to you.
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Show reverence towards life and love everyone. Give importance to everyone.
Patience is an important virtue but it develops over time.
किसी भी चीज को कठिन मानना ही नहीं चाहिए। बस आप शुरुआत करो ।
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Put your tomorrow in order the night before, so that the morning can be pleasant and peaceful.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
कभी कभी विपरीत स्थिति में भी मुस्कराने का प्रयास करो, यह सोचो कि उसमें भी कुछ भला ही होगा।
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Sometimes try to smile in adverse and difficult situation too; thinking there might be some good in it.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
व्यक्ति अगर अपने अन्दर संकल्प जगाए तो अपनी हर कमजोरी को जीत सकता है।
Self determination can conquer every weak point and drawback in you.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Propriety of conduct is an essential thing in society as well as in life.